Gov. Sarah Palin had the audacity to mention the name of Barack Obama's unrepentant terrorist pal Bill Ayers the other day and AP played the race card on her. Such is the state of the race, where the media is so in the tank for Barack Obama they're already according him Dear Leader treatment.

But why is Bill Ayers relevant? Because he is the key to the real Barack Obama and his damaging liberal agenda for America. (See damage already done here.) What possible justification can there be for this use of Chicago Annenberg Challenge grant funds by Ayers and Obama?
The CAC files show the organization funneled money to activist organizations and did so on ideological grounds, favoring applications that focused on ethnic identity and bilingual education and turning down grant proposals which did not. Thus, CAC funded a Juneteenth effort by the South Shore African Village Collaboration and a peace school but rejected proposals by the Chicago Algebra Project aimed at increasing student achievement and the District 5 Math Science Initiative which was trying to increase the math and science competence of Hispanic youngsters.Sol Stern, CityJournal, "The Bomber as School Reformer" (school reformer!, the current line) recounts Ayers' support for dictator Hugo Chavez, and makes a comparison:
Calling Bill Ayers a school reformer is a bit like calling Joseph Stalin an agricultural reformer. [snip]More signs the indoctrination has started already. (Mark Steyn thankfully takes apart some insufferable and clueless educators.) Debate tonight. We need some questions answered by Barack Obama. Will the MSM moderator ask them?
As I have shown in previous articles in City Journal, Ayers’s school reform agenda focuses almost exclusively on the idea of teaching for “social justice” in the classroom. This has nothing to do with the social-justice ideals of the Sermon on the Mount or Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Rather, Ayers and his education school comrades are explicit about the need to indoctrinate public school children with the belief that America is a racist, militarist country and that the capitalist system is inherently unfair and oppressive. As a leader of this growing “reform” movement, Ayers was recently elected vice president for curriculum of the American Education Research Association, the nation’s largest organization of ed school professors and researchers.
--crossposted at LadyBlog
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