Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Governor Tight Pants

According to his attorney he won't resign--he "didn't do anything wrong". Capitol Fax.

Jonah Goldberg is amused:
If he's guilty of all that's alleged, I hope they throw him in the stoney lonesome until the Chicago Cubs win the World Series or 2025, whichever comes second. But in another sense, this is just plain enjoyable. It's like when you watch "Cops" and the idiot burglar tries to hide beside a tree in the dark, even though he's wearing light-up sneakers.
AWK. Governor Elvis wears tight pants to court. WBEZ:
In a 12-minute hearing this afternoon a federal judge told Governor Blagojevich he would not have to post any money to get out of jail, but she did tell him to surrender his passport.

When he entered the courtroom through a side door, Blagojevich was somber nodding a hello to acquaintances and shaking hands with lawyers. He was dressed in a black turtle neck under a greenish/blue pullover fleece jacket. And he was wearing tight black running pants that tapered near the bottom to show white sox peaking out of his runners.
Governor Broken Heart--can he still break hearts? Awk.

on Rod's bad hair day.

A few of Blago's choice moments: Governor Get Him Out, Governor F, Governor Pretty Boy, Governor No Lincoln, Governor Hangs Up, Governor Dangerous, Governor Madman.

P.S. Uneasy about Obama's connection. Slate. Time, "Blagogate". AP makes excuses already. The Blog. And John Kass--will Blago sing? Governor Tight Pants is Governor Dead Meat.

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