Friday, February 20, 2009

ObamACORN in Action

ACORN mobs breaking into homes:
ACORN’s foot soldiers, funded with your tax dollars, will scream, pound their fists, chain themselves to buildings, padlock the doors, and engage in illegal behavior until they get what they want. It’s a recipe for anarchy.
Remember, they're getting $2 billion from the porkulus bill for "community stabilization". It's ACORN's Crash and they're profiting now.

UPDATE: ObamACORN in action. NY, LA, Indiana, Texas, and more:

“ACORN is targeting the following areas: Tucson, Ariz.; Oakland, Calif.; Los Angeles; Contra Costa County, Calif.; Orlando, Fla.; Baltimore; New York; Houston; San Mateo County, Calif.; Denver; Bridgeport, Conn.; Wilmington, Del.; Broward County, Fla.; Boston; Flint, Mich.; Detroit; Minneapolis; Raleigh, N.C.; Durham, N.C.; Albany, N.Y.; Cincinnati; Cleveland; Pittsburgh; and Dallas.”

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