Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where's WaldObama?

Ed Morrissey makes an excellent point on the shared responsibility of our President Barack Obama for the deficit, in the aftermath of his speech/press conference last night. After all, where's WaldObama been all this time?

He tells us he can do two things at once, so he can't give us the excuse that he was off campaigning and not doing his job in the Senate. I would also add this--given that he cites his running for President as practically his sole executive experience we could well question his "executive" judgment in being AWOL on one of the most important issues of the day. Does he not take responsibility for those votes he did make in the US Senate?

So now we are stuck with this whiner president, who set a record for voting present in the Illinois legislature--that is when he wasn't hiding in the bathroom to evade tough votes.

Barack Obama expects everyone to give him the benefit of the doubt on any tough issue he encounters. But for more and more Americans the doubts in his leadership outweigh the benefits.

Sit down at the negotiating table Mr. President. Step Up. You're not an "outsider" any more, you're in charge. Take responsibility.

More: Mary Laney, Chicago Daily Observer, "Obama, The Movie".

And: Lisa Fabrizio, "The MTV President".

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