Tuesday, April 14, 2009

STOP Spending Our Future

.org Watch:

This is real. This is real. Stop spending our future.

P.S. You liberals think we're making this stuff up? I used to think I was a liberal. Back during Jimmy Carter when I was young. Carter turned me into a conservative. Now my kids are young adults. Do I want this world of debt for them and my grandchildren? This is worse, much worse than the misery of the Carter years. STOP spending their future. This is wrong, so wrong.

More: Thomas Sowell, RCP:
Governments around the world have played this game for centuries, robbing those who trusted them enough to buy their bonds. Like Bernard Madoff, they call it "investment."

Inflation also means that all the talk about how higher taxes will be confined to "the rich" is nonsense.

Inflation is a hidden tax that takes away the value of money held by everyone at every income level.

Abraham Lincoln once asked an audience how many legs a dog has if you count the tail as a leg. When they answered "five," Lincoln told them that the answer was four. The fact that you called the tail a leg did not make it a leg.

It is too bad that Lincoln is not still around today. He might emancipate us all from our enslavement to words.

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