Saturday, April 11, 2009

This is Real

Good L0rd. More on the AQ Easter attack plans. After all we've been through, we still have news like this:

Members of the alleged Al Qaeda cell suspected of plotting a Bank Holiday terror atrocity worked for a firm based at Manchester Airport.

At least one drove vans for a cargo company which has access to sensitive locations.

A further two had passed security industry checks which enabled them to guard premises overnight, further raising fears that members of the gang - all but one of them Pakistani students - were planning to infiltrate high-profile targets before an attack.
And this:
A spokesman for the authority said foreign applicants would normally be granted a licence if agencies in their home country did not report that they had a criminal record.
How reassuring--but then killing infidels or the stray inconvenient wife or innocent teen girl is no big deal in many of the "home countries". At least Pakistan seems to have been shamed by the Mumbai attack to give the Brits some intel.

This is enduring hatred folks. This is real. This is real.

P.S. From my earlier post in December, I can't resist a grim jab:

Freedom is hard work and we can't ignore the fact that trade and travel depend on someone to fight pirates and terrorists. Shall we call on signatories to a NY Times ad to take on the task?

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