Thursday, April 02, 2009

Watt NOT for Wilmette

The Wilmette Life endorsed incumbent village trustee Lali Watt for this next Tuesday's election. They haven't done their homework.

Watt's claim to be a "fiscal conservative" is remarkably, laughably false.

This is the trustee who called 22 special meetings of the Village Finance Committee to brainstorm about ways to promote affordable housing in Wilmette. Her goal was to spend Wilmette taxpayer dollars on subsidies to non-Wilmette residents, hoping to entice them to live in Wilmette, even though they could not afford to do so.

Watt is the trustee who led the effort to have every car owner in Wilmette pay higher taxes unless you drove a hybrid vehicle. That program lasted only one year, and crumbled under the weight of overwhelming public opposition.

A fiscal conservative, Watt is not.

P.S. Here's the candidate the paper ignored.

Previous posts: Wilmette Voters: NOT Watt, Defeat Lali Watt in Wilmette, Our Visionary Geniuses, Tax Hike Looms over Wilmette, Common Sense Strikes Wilmette, Green Scheme in Wilmette, Star-Bellied Sneeches and their ilk

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