There was even crowing last week about the decline in the decline in jobless growth. "The gears of our economic engine are slowly beginning to turn," Obama declared. But private sector lost 611,000 jobs last month. The totals, which made an apparent case for optimism, were lowered by the 66,000 bump in federal employment largely due to the hiring of temporary census workers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are less job openings now than at any time since it began recording these figures.And ACORN is helping in a big way with the census. Yes, ACORN, under fire for massive fraud in 12 states, is still on track to get billions in stimulus money. Your taxpayer dollars at work. John Fund, WSJ:
But Acorn's registration tricks may soon be unnecessary. Congressional Democrats are backing a bill to mandate a nationwide data base to automatically register driver's license holders or recipients of government benefits.
This "would create an engraved invitation for voter fraud," says Hans von Spakovsky, a former Federal Election Commission member, who points out that these lists are filled with felons and noncitizens who are ineligible to vote. Ironically, in light of its troubles with the law, Acorn was selected in March to assist the U.S. Census in reaching out to minority communities and recruiting census enumerators for the count next year.
And if you didn't know, ACORN people are great buddies with the SEIU and you know who. See my previous post today for the implications.
You think I'm being alarmist? Maybe, but unless we make strong efforts to stop this, ACORN may well fell the mighty oak America. We're getting a pattern here.
Related posts: ACORN in a nutshell, Alexi, you thug, ACORN on the take, ACORN on the rack, ACORN Charged with Fraud, Who is extreme here?
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