Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Common Sense Strikes on Gitmo

A serious brushback to The One, spotlighting his supreme lack of judgment and foresight. (Durbin says White House fumble.) Shall we say this illustrates his inexperience or his arrogance? Senate Democrats Reject Obama's Request for Funds to Close Guantanamo Bay Prison. Washington Post:
Many Democrats see Guantanamo as an affront to the U.S. legal system and a symbol of Bush-era detainee policies, but they are increasingly wary about the next step, as yet undefined by Obama, of relocating the terrorism suspects who are detained at the site.[snip]

"U.S. jails are typically for U.S. citizens," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). "These are foreign terrorists, detained on the battlefield in the war on terror."
You know, these are the guys who stab people in the eye, bite people to death, cut their heads off and videotape it, or at Gitmo pick up TVs and smash them when they see images of women exposing their arms.

And no Sen. Durbin--we don't want to see these guys in Illinois prisons. Your fellow Dem Blago might have an opinion about that too.

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