Thursday, May 14, 2009

Terrorist Hilarity

Well, terrorists in your neighborhood could be the stuff of mockery but there are real concerns at the risk of having so many--more than 1oo total, hardcore killers-- incarcerated in mainland U.S. prisons close to population centers. The Gitmo terrorists are in a class by themselves--after all, most inmates, even murderers, don't want to die for some cause. They don't hate us all just because we exist. I'm sure that NY state prison guard who was blinded and had a sharpened comb stabbed through his eye to pierce his brain would rather not have had that happen.

And actually, the Obama administration's track record to date just in these few short months does not inspire confidence. Despite admitting he's an al Qaeda terrorist, and convicted, al-Marri may just be given a slap on the wrist, treated as just giving "material support" rather than an instigator, and be let out with a sentence that counts time served. In Peoria, Illinois.

What about Binyam Mohammed, who was set scot free to try and bomb and kill Americans again. There are others who were thought more able to be rehabilitated who were already sent back to their home countries, only to return to terrorism again, in some cases leading attacks.

And it looks like even our President Barack Obama is having belated concern about this--gee ya think he could have thought seriously about this issue while he was campaigning but perhaps that was too much to expect of the Wunderkind The One---but when he actually became president, did he think about the consequences before he announced the Gitmo closure? No, no, no, he deferred to his White House Counsel, Greg Craig.

Perhaps our President Barack Obama is actually running the country now. Who the hell knows.

And if a few rehabilitated terrorists decide to pull a Beslan in Kansas I'm sure the elites will send some tasteful flowers.

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