Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nancy's Lies

Ramirez. Washington Times: Waterboarding's Wake Widening. "Torture" hearings today. Politico:
Even some of Pelosi’s supporters are frustrated with her obtuse, less-than-direct answers to questions about classified briefings — as well as her claim, advanced through aides, that she had no “appropriate” avenue of protest in 2003.

“She’s done a horrendous job,” said a top Democratic consultant who otherwise is a Pelosi fan. “She’s really dug herself a hole.”
Thomas Sowell on the rank irresponsibility of those who accuse "torture" of terrorists:
What if it was your mother or your child who was tied up somewhere beside a ticking time bomb and you had captured a terrorist who knew where that was? Face it: What you would do to that terrorist to make him talk would make water-boarding look like a picnic.[snip]

Whatever the verbal fencing over the meaning of the word "torture," there is a fundamental difference between simply inflicting pain on innocent people for the sheer pleasure of it-- which is what our terrorist enemies do-- and getting life-saving information out of the terrorists by whatever means are necessary.
This is the quality of our Democrat leadership--profoundly shallow and partisan at the risk of our lives. Yes, people may die. Final thought:

When we look back at history, it is amazing what foolish and even childish things people said and did on the eve of a catastrophe about to consume them. In 1938, with Hitler preparing to unleash a war in which tens of millions of men, women and children would be slaughtered, the play that was the biggest hit on the Paris stage was a play about French and German reconciliation, and a French pacifist that year dedicated his book to Adolf Hitler.

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