The important point of this is not that Nancy Pelosi is a liar or, alternatively, that she proved incapable of understanding her CIA briefings — though her performance in this episode could be taken as evidence for either or both conclusions. The point, rather, is that Nancy Pelosi has shown herself to be an irresponsible and arguably incompetent steward of our national-intelligence mission, one who is prepared to subjugate national security to narrow political interests.WSJ on Congress' knowledge. And Dem Sen. Jay Rockefeller knew too:
Amusingly, or almost, Senator Rockefeller's denial is flatly contradicted by his own report on the subject released last month, which notes that "On May 19, 2008, the Department of Justice and the Central Intelligence Agency provided the Committee with access to all opinions and a number of other documents prepared by the Office of Legal Counsel . . . concerning the legality of the CIA's detention and interrogation program. Five of these documents provided addressed the use of waterboarding."NY Daily News on the rampant hypocrisy.
Don't demagogue those who defend America, Ms. Pelosi. Because, the terrorists only need to succeed once. Got that? And perhaps you could concentrate your mind for a teensy bit--what did they target last time, you know, in Washington DC--well, I grant you there was some uncertainty whether they were going after the White House or the Capitol building, after they hit the Pentagon.
You should thank your lucky stars more weren't killed that day--and that those who defended us, mourning their own and their countrymen, got back up to fight another day.
Related posts: Keep Terrorists Out of America Act, Durbin Invites Terrorists to Illinois, They Measured the Water, Presidential Poison, Who will stick their neck out now?, Pay with our Lives, God Help America
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