Monday, May 04, 2009

Obama Mentor Under Fire

You may recall our President Barack Obama's first boss, Allison Davis, and the way they operated early on. As the Rev. Jeremiah Wright would say, the chickens have come home to roost, at least for Rezko, and now perhaps Davis. Sun Times:
A City Hall insider whose companies are under city and federal investigation has resigned from a state pension board, the first casualty of a new law designed to clean house in Illinois' pension systems. [snip]

Davis has long been one of Mayor Daley's top allies in Chicago's African-American communities. He also was once the future President Obama's boss at the Chicago law firm Davis Miner Barnhill.

Last February, the Sun-Times reported that a federal grand jury had subpoenaed records from the Illinois Housing Development Authority on low-income housing projects built over the last 30 years by Davis, Rezko and William F. Cellini, an indicted Springfield businessman and longtime behind-the-scenes political power broker.
Previous post: AH Insiders Subpoenaed.

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