Monday, May 04, 2009

Alexi's new SUV

Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, Sen. Dick Durbin's golden boy to succeed Roland Burris in the US Senate, bought a new SUV with Bright Start proceeds. Tribune:
While parents come to grips with major investment losses in a college savings program, public records show that Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias' office spent Bright Start proceeds to buy a $26,000 SUV he uses as his state car.

The purchase is surfacing as the politically ambitious Giannoulias continues to face criticism for his oversight of the Bright Start investment program, which lost $85 million last year.

It's the first time since the program was launched nearly a decade ago that money from it was used to buy a state vehicle, the treasurer's office acknowledged.
It's apparently part of a fleet to market the program but looks to have been commandeered by Alexi for his personal use. Quite the high-flyer, our Alexi, he's come a long way since he bankrolled Barack Obama's early political rise and got The One's endorsement for state Treasurer. Yes, Obama went against the Dem party pick--he stood up to the insiders--for Alexi Giannoulias. There were questions then about some dubious dealings, and there are questions now. But maybe "Jaws" Giorango can give him a testimonial

Previous posts: Giannoulias Preens, Bond Ratings Drop, Shady Alexi Giannoulias, Meet Alexi 

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