Friday, July 24, 2009

Dem Healthcare Bill Shocker

Vicious assault on seniors. WSJ. You've got to hear this--Betsy McCaughey talks with Fred Thompson. Audio.

Pay attention Boomers--this means you too.


More: Rahmbo's on NPR spinning per The Swamp, but thankfully the more people are learning about this little emperor Big Brother bill, the more questions they have. Better a Waterloo for this bill than for us. There is bipartisan opposition to this monstrosity, despite what Rahm says. And for Rahm and the President to suggest those who oppose this bill are not in favor of reform--well, we want reform that works and doesn't condemn people to surrender what remains of their lives to the whim of a cold-hearted government.

More. Somehow this is not a surprise from the elitist liberal Dems--abort those babies, euthanize those seniors.

More. Charles Krauthammer, the Emperor has no clothes. From CNN/Fortune, You'll lose 5 key freedoms. Even the NY Times runs a story on the skepticism of Americans:
"An affluent small-business owner from near Chicago, a middle-class manager from Denver, and an uninsured worker from Cleveland each expressed skepticism that change would improve their lots.” It was the same with the main interviewee, a middle-class father of four from the Atlanta suburbs who immigrated to America some years ago. He told The Times, “I know the [health care] system is not perfect, but I’m not completely convinced it’s broken. . . . And even if it’s broken, I’m not sure the government is the solution.”
The President complains, The Politico:
But by later in the day, Obama suggested the debate was discouraging to him. He took a shot at the media for "a lack of sustained focus on the facts," saying it “makes it very difficult.”
Look at it this way Mr. President, now you'll have time to read the bill(s). And Congress will be able to visit with their constituents back home and listen to their concerns before they vote.

P.S. From McCaughey's piece--(as we age, proposed Obamacare would cut off this care which prevents disability):
The harshest misconception underlying the legislation is that living longer burdens society. Medicare data prove this is untrue. A patient who dies at 67 spends three times as much on health care at the end of life as a patient who lives to 90, according to Dr. Herbert Pardes, CEO of New York Presbyterian Medical Center.

What is costly is when seniors become disabled. In a 2007 Health Affairs article, researchers reported that surgeries to unclog arteries and replace worn out hips and knees have had a major impact on steadily reducing disability rates. And nondisabled seniors use only one-seventh as much health care as disabled seniors. As a result, the annual increase in per capita health spending on the elderly is less than for the rest of the population.

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