Friday, August 07, 2009

Oh, yeah, we're the unhinged ones

If Obama loses Jon Stewart, he's lost America. Can humor in the age of Obama make a comeback?

Community organizing in the age of Obama. Only The One's way counts. The rest of us are just supposed to shut up. (Remember the Fascist Obama campaign thug playbook in Chicago.)

Peggy Noonan, recovering from her infatuation with The One: ‘You Are Terrifying Us’:Voters send a message to Washington, and get an ugly response.

---god Damn America.

More. Oh yeah, we're the unhinged ones. Townhall meetings the new gated community for Dems.

What better way to convince people they need the government to run their health care than to put them in the hospital?
More: Rasmussen: 41% View Town Hall Protesters Favorably, 35% Don’t. Indies 48% favor. Generic congressional favors GOP for six weeks running.

Obama to America: Just shut up.

More: Health czar behind snitch brigade. Michelle Malkin. And we're all "political terrorists" now. Dems launch offensive against citizens--New Rules for Radicals, David Harsanyi, Denver Post.

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