Tuesday, April 14, 2009

god Damn America

UPDATE: American Legion to Napolitano--apologize.***Gee, I thought dissent was patriotic, but that was then, this is now. And our President Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security warns that ordinary Americans and returning veterans are to be viewed as a threat. No evidence, no specifics--no, no, no let's demonize more Americans.

These are the faces of eeeevil, stupid, violent right wing extremists.

The thugocracy reigns in Washington DC. It's the Chicago Way writ large, scorched earth tactics.

We have to ask again--this from nearly a year ago-- why is your hope based on hate?:
According to Kurtz, Wright's radical philosophy permeates every sermon, every bulletin, every issue of his magazine--there's no way Barack Obama could not have known what Wright was about. Most of Wright's original congregation left, and relations with the parent church were strained over its radicalism--yet Barack Obama stayed, you might say he clung to it. Religion being the opiate of the people and all. Marxist, black separatist Kool-Aid.

Hugh Hewitt, Townhall has key excerpts from Kurtz's look at Wright's Trumpet magazine, which offers some insight into Obama's remarks on the flag pin and phony patriotism. We are apparently all white supremacists now. So liberals, perhaps you had best ask, in this context, why do they hate us? Obama used religion to campaign in Pennsylvania, and now Kentucky. Left Coast Oregon version? Meanwhile, more separatism.

Why is Barack Obama's hope based on hate?
It's god Damn America. Our President Barack Obama has spoken.

TaxDayTeaParty tomorrow. See you there. 

More: HotAir. Gateway Pundit.

More: Legal Insurrection "The Constitution is a Subversive Manifesto Per DHS". The Other McCain. Reason.

Previous post: STOP Spending Our Future.

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