Sunday, August 16, 2009

Palin Wins. Eat Crow MSM and Obamabots

(More fiery imagery, I couldn't resist with the pix). John Powers, Chicago Daily Observer:Palin Wins Big Victory Against Death Panels Despite Media Frenzy:
A red light should turn on in every newsroom in the United States when the ruling Emanuel Family makes charges like “‘It’s An Absolute Outrage” directed at Sarah Palin and anyone who might take time to read the bills before Congress.
Ah yes, the ruling Emanuel Family.

Also, Don Surber, An Army of Sarahs. (Tapper's panel--could anything be more inside the beltway? Talk about a "narrowing island".) James Taranto. Chris Muir.

P.S. Legal Insurrection poses a question vis a vis Maleficent Maureen.

Previous posts: Palin Punches Back, Paglia on the Death Panel, This thing smells, Can Tapper Answer This?

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