Sunday, August 16, 2009

The President's Goat

Can the NY Times ever write a profile of a big Dem without the word nuance? I doubt it. Here's their latest on Rahmbo.

Hmm, no mention of the daily phone confab with his old buddies?

And more dissing of Joe:
But Mr. Emanuel casts his net widely, from lawmakers and lobbyists to journalists and corporate executives. When he took over the chief of staff’s office — an office that, he makes a point of telling visitors, is eight square feet larger than the vice president’s — he brought a telephone list of 6,000 names that crashed White House software.
The Times notes Rahmbo didn't get invited to Camp David, and his contributions to the recent Valerie Jarrett profile apparently got the president's goat. The question is whether Rahmbo will be the fall guy when The One's policies fall through.

P.S. Back at home, Near-riots breaking out nightly in Chicago's Uptown neighborhood. HT Marathon Pundit.

P.P.S. How about that wonderful community organizing? It has worked so well for Chicago. Let's underscore this once again. No Sheeples Here via Riehl World View:
What appears to be a lack of attention paid to political reality is actually a single-minded determination to ignore what Americans want and to use the tools of community organizing, intimidation, coercion and, most importantly, deception to achieve his goals.

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