Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ACORN Cracked

UPDATE:Gee, why no state investigation in Illinois? Below***Justice Department Inspector General Launches Internal ACORN Probe

P.S. HANDS OFF, White House. Stonewalling is NOT acceptable, in this or other areas.

More. John Fund, WSJ, ACORN Who? Obama heads for the high grass. Tribune: 2 Wis. lawmakers ask for audit of ACORN funding. Peter Roff, Thomas Jefferson Blog, The Case for ACORN as a Criminal Enterprise. KC Star, Time for Congress to cut ACORN funding, investigate. Gateway Pundit, ACORN community high school. Michelle Malkin » Pray for the Inspector Generals probing ACORN

ACORN cracked--now we need to smash it up. Rotten through and through.

More. Illinois Review,
ACORN/SEIU donated thousands to IL statewide and law enforcement officials

More. Big Government: ACORN, Kanye West and the heirarchy of multiculturalism:
So how could the major media fail to hold ACORN to account all these years?

I have my pet theory.

Political correctness has been slowly rotting the establishment media to its core, to the point where few professional journalists would dare launch a serious investigation into the exalted Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now. Why? Simple: according to the tenets of political correctness, the racial makeup of the communities being “organized” automatically confers the presumption of moral superiority upon ACORN. So all those nasty rumors about ACORN must be no more than lies spread by racist propagandists.
Rotten to the core.

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