Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Biggest Bunch of Crybabies"

Sunday anchor Chris Wallace on our President Barack Obama doing all the Sunday shows but Fox. (Video below) And it's not just FoxNews this administration and the Dem leadership refuse to engage, and denigrate. It's us. Not all Dems are going along with this. That's instructive.

P.S. The Trib's The Swamp notes the weekend media blitz, but ignores the fact that the president is pointedly excluding FoxNews from his interview rounds. Much as the Tribune largely ignored the ACORN story most of this last week.

From The Politico story. This administration talks the talk, but they don't walk the walk--do you think most conservatives, and lots of independents, watch these hoary old news shows? Are these guys really interested in reaching out? Nah.

The White House, though, has made the opposite calculation, figuring that the audience for the Sunday shows is politically active and interested, and therefore ripe for Obama’s pitch, whether they’re liberals or conservatives.

“I think it is important that the president continue to speak to a host of different audiences to reach as many people as possible to talk about the benefits of health care reform,” said White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Friday. “People are getting their news from so many different places and so many different outlets, that we're going to use the president to communicate through that fragmentation.”

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