Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dem Hits Dems on High Healthcare Tax

Drudge headlines, front and center:

ObamaCare: Dem Senator Warns of 'Big, Big Tax' on Middle Class...

Snowe falls away, leaving Senate Dems without Republican health support...

There's the unaddressed issue of the unsustainable government care we already have, like Medicaid--which the states are already struggling to pay for, and Congress wants to expand!

The more Americans find out, the less they like.

Rasmussen: Opposition to ObamaCare reaches new highs. And this:
Voters overwhelmingly believe that every American should be able to buy the same health insurance plan that Congress has. Most favor limits on jury awards for medical malpractice claims and think that tort reform will significantly reduce the cost of health care.
Go back to the drawing board.

Could it be not just seniors but youths, many of whom voted for Obama, have figured out they will pay more for less? Washington Post: Young Adults Likely to Pay Big Share of Reform's Cost.

Read the bill, Mr. President. Then start over, in a truly bi-partisan way.

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