Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Dick Durbin, sneering hack

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) on WBBM and PBS WTTW (video below) last night defending the ObamaCare plan. Dick Durbin, who has failed to hold real town hall meetings of his own, as they are "not a productive use of my time" maligns citizens as coming to "shove and shout", not wanting "honest debate" (gee, is he talking about his SEIU and HCAN allies) and refers to town hall attendees worried about Big Brother end of life mandates as "twisted". But it is Sen. Durbin who should use his time more productively and read the Dem bills. Citizens are better informed than he is, perhaps because Congress exempts itself from the healthcare plans they have planned for us, (preferring to keep their own separate gold-plated plan, paid for by taxpayers). Watch:

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