Thursday, September 10, 2009

Illinois Dems: Rotten and Ill-Gotten

The Illinois Dem family dirty laundry. Dem tax and spend Cook County Board President Todd Stroger is at an approval rating of 10%, yet powerful Democrat House Speaker Mike Madigan continues to protect him. Tribune editorial:
So let's bestow on Madigan the honor he richly deserves: co-ownership of Stroger's galling tax hike. They're the taxmen.

Last spring, the Illinois Senate approved, 57-0, a bill sponsored by Sen. Dan Kotowski (D- Park Ridge) that would lower the override threshold to three-fifths. State Rep. Julie Hamos (D- Evanston) said this week that she'll try to exhume Kotowski's bill from Madigan's cemetery and steer it through the House.
Hmm, will Hamos be a hero of the taxpayer? Try Julie, try hard. Then try some more.

Yes, the Toddler is even less popular than Blago was before his arrest.

Meanwhile Blago's Patti bravely goes on. Well, I am sort of sympathetic, sort of sarcastic. I do think the Feds should give her a pass. But I am sick of the Chicago Way family business. Patti did a deal with Rezko early on. As did FOBarack Valerie Jarrett. Will the stench of corruption and mismanagement be so overwhelming voters will clean them out?

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