Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kirk Race, Wallace Challenge

Kirk faces the boo-birds. Comments and video, Capitol Fax. Says no to cap and tax as Senate candidate.

The Dem PlumLine notices, tho their link is bad.

Another GOP candidate announces for Kirk's old 10th district seat. Illinois Review. Will be watching this one, but suffice to say that what's left of the GOP in the 10th is more conservative and anti-tax than it's been. (As is Illinois, frankly.) Coulson's only hope is to benefit from the split in the conservative vote.

As for Kirk's Senate race, here's his fellow GOP candidate Eric Wallace's tea party speech:
In honor of the great rally in Washington D.C. on 9/12/09 I wanted to share with you the speech I gave at the 9/12 Liberty Rally in Bloomington and Tea Party in Morris.

Hi, I am Eric Wallace a candidate for US Senate. I am a conservative and small business owner and like you I feel today that we are getting further and further away from the principles and traditions that have made our nation great.

I can only imagine what our founding fathers would say if they were alive and here today. The very document that they labored to create has been ignored, marginalized and abandoned. It is the constitution of these United States of America that protects our freedom and limits the reach of government.

I carry a copy of the constitution with me and as I read it I see four principles of which I want to share with you today: Limited Government, Individual freedom, Free enterprise and Traditional family values.

Limited Government: I do not see a provision for the feds to own car companies, bail out banks, own insurance companies or meddle in the health care industry. Our government has clearly step outside the bounds stipulated by our constitution. And as you know bigger government infringes upon our freedoms, which leads me to the next principle

Individual Freedom: This goes hand in hand with limited government. The more control government has the fewer options we have. It limits our choices. Cash for clunkers and Cap and trade are all programs to push us in a direction where many of us did not want to go. Yet if left up to the bureaucrats we will have no choice but to comply. If government runs healthcare you can believe they will be taxing what they deem is unhealthy food to get you to buy the food they want you to eat. I do not see this in the bill of rights nor in the sections of the constitution, which empowers the Federal government. However in order to find the money to increase the size of government they have to increase taxation. And where do you think they will get the money?

Free enterprise: Let me ask you this question: Is it too much to ask that a person who labors hard to start and build a business be able one day to enjoy the fruit of their labor without the government trying to tax it all away? The American economy is built on the backs of hard-working entrepreneurs who risked everything to provide for their community and their families and those in Washington treat them like ATM machines from which they rob in the name of “fairness,” “compassion” and “sharing the wealth.” I don’t see this in the constitution. Where do they get the authority to do this?

Finally, Traditional family values. Which advocates for marriage as defined between one man and one woman. It advocates for the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb. It advocates for school choice for parents to send their child to the school of their own choice not because they live at a particular address. It advocates for freedom of religion not freedom from religion; that we are allow to worship anyway we so choose and express that faith in the display of a Menorah, nativity scene, or cross without government coercion, manipulation, or interference

Ronald Reagan once said that we are “a shining city on a hill” but if that light goes out here, it will go out around the world for a thousand years. Reagan also reminded us that “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

In one of my favorite movies, Brave heart, William Wallace (my distant cousin) said to a frightened army arrayed at the battle of Stirling against one of the most formidable armies in the world. They were out number and out classed. William said, “You have come here to fight as free men. What will you do with that freedom? I ask you the same question: What will you do with your freedom?

Will you run and hide in a corner hoping the evil passes by? Or will you stand for what you say you believe?

Will you run to save your life? Or will you give it to protect our freedom?

Will you stand and watch as your freedoms are eroded? Our will you stand and fight for what is our God given right?

Dr. King, another true patriot, once said “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

I ask you to stand with me and fight to protect your freedom. I ask you to stand with me send me to Washington to remind the politicians that they are public servants not our masters. I ask you to stand with me and help to ensure that freedom lives on for another generation.

What will you do with your freedom? Help elect Eric Wallace to the US Senate and we will stand together!

God bless you and God Bless America!
Related posts: Kirk Headlines Big Government, Illinois Tea Party Rallies, Big Turnout for Kirk Townhall, Kirk's Heartburn, Kirk: No more Tweets on Duty, Twitter Kerfuffle for Kirk, What's Kirk's Commitment?, Kirk Moving in Right Direction on Energy, Kirk Taken to the Woodshed in Wheeling, Earth to Kirk, Cap & Tax Protest: Kirk's Office

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