Monday, September 07, 2009

No Lashes for this woman, this time

NY Times on the resolution of the case of Lubna Hussein:

But what exactly is indecent clothing?

In Sudan, some women wear veils and loose-fitting dresses; others do not. Northern Sudanese, who are mostly Muslim, are supposed to obey Islamic law, while southern Sudanese, who are mostly Christian, are not. Mrs. Hussein has argued that Article 152 is intentionally vague, in part to punish women.

Rabie A. Atti, a Sudanese government spokesman, said the law was meant for the opposite reason, to “protect the people.”

“We have an act controlling the behavior of women and men so the behavior doesn’t harm others, whether it’s speech or dress or et cetera,” he said.

But, he insisted, Mrs. Hussein must have done something else to run afoul of the authorities, besides wearing pants.

“You come to Khartoum and you will see for yourself,” he said. “Many women, in offices and wedding ceremonies, wear trousers.”

“Thousands of girls wear the trousers,” he added.

Asked what other offenses Mrs. Hussein might have committed, Mr. Atti said that the case file was secret and that he did not know.
Oh, well, so scandalous even a government spokesman is left in the dark...ages.

P.S. Islamic extremists guilty of liquid bomb plot to kill thousands by blowing up transatlantic jets.

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