Monday, September 07, 2009

Speech is fine, but...

Official White House prepared text here.

Student healthcare examples, getting in his issue message.

Thankfully no workbooks, which were withdrawn. Who knows what the speech would have been like without the pushback?

As far as White House spokesman Gibbs goes, spare us the posturing:
"I think it's a sad, sad day that the political back and forth has intruded on anyone speaking to schoolchildren and teachers and parents about the responsibilities that they have as we enter a new school year.

"If one kid in one school hears one message and goes from being a D-student to a C-student, then the speech is worth it. If one kid decides not to drop out of school, then the speech is worth it.

"Right now, nearly 3 in 10 kids in school will not walk across the stage and get a high school diploma. If anybody thinks that's the recipe for long term economic growth, I've got news for them. It's a sad state of affairs.

Tell that to DC kids who want choice. Tell that to Chicago public school kids who rot in the system, while clout talks. Tell that to our President Barack Obama.

Go ahead Mr. President, give another speech. Just words.

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