Friday, October 30, 2009

Peggy Noonan Loses Heart

Well, she gave her heart to Barack, she voted for him, she was elitist, now she faults the Obamabots as callous children. Perhaps you should have listened to the heartland before this:
Part of the reason is that the problems—debt, spending, war—seem too big. But a larger part is that our federal government, from the White House through Congress, and so many state and local governments, seems to be demonstrating every day that they cannot make things better. They are not offering a new path, they are only offering old paths—spend more, regulate more, tax more in an attempt to make us more healthy locally and nationally. And in the long term everyone—well, not those in government, but most everyone else—seems to know that won't work. It's not a way out. It's not a path through.
Well, we are resilient out here. We are fighting to take our country back.

One thing about Peggy, she always knows which way the wind is blowing--at the time.

Obama and Rahmbo and the Ax should be worried...since they've lost Peggy.

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