Saturday, November 07, 2009

Dems Denial of Reality

QueenofSpain Rationing my ass. Clearly they didnt see me wait months to see a specialist. We already HAVE rationing.
Um, that has to do with existing doctor shortages, which will become acute if this bill passes. It's not government gatekeeper-mandated. Are you gonna like tax your a#@!?

Where's Waldo, Queen of Spain in this chart? You can thank Nancy Pelosi when you pay more and are denied care anyway.

P.S. Shoving this through on a Saturday--when few have read the bill--pages of changes in the wee hours of the night behind closed doors. Where is the transparency, where is the accountability? This is not democracy.


QueenofSpain And I don't appreciate #hcr passage hinging on the LEGAL rights of women. WOMEN ONCE AGAIN are called on to sacrifice. F THAT #stupak
Those "bleepin" aborted babies don't even get a death panel.

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