Friday, November 06, 2009

Hasan: Unbelievers should be beheaded

Via the Instapundit:

EXPLOSIVE: Ft. Hood suspect reportedly shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’. (Via The BlogProf). On NPR I heard — I can’t find the story on their website yet — that he had given a presentation on the Koran at a professional conference where he claimed that unbelievers should be beheaded, burned, etc. to the discomfiture of the attendees.

UPDATE: Here’s the NPR segment. Key bit:

He gave a Grand Rounds presentation. . . You take turns giving a lecture on, you know, the correct treatment of schizophrenia, the right drugs to prescribe for personality disorder, you know, that sort of thing. But instead of giving an academic paper, he gave a lecture on the Koran, and they said it didn’t seem to be just an informational lecture, but it seemed to be his own beliefs. That’s what a lot of people thought.

He talked about how if you’re a nonbeliever the Koran says you should have your head cut off, you should have oil poured down your throat, you should be set on fire. And I said well couldn’t this just be his educating you? And the psychiatrist said yes, but one of the Muslims in the audience, another psychiatrist, raised his hand and was quite disturbed and he said you know, a lot of us don’t believe these things you’re saying, and that there was no place where Hasan couched it as this is what the Koran teaches but you know I don’t believe it. And people actually talked in the hallway afterwards about ‘is he one of these people that’s going to freak out and shoot people someday?’

Crippling, deadly political correctness.

More. Another Chicago area death. Pregnant soldier 2nd area victim at Ft. Hood

More. Wisconsin soldiers killed and wounded. Sun Times:
...Russell Seager, 51, of Racine, were slain in Thursday’s massacre, family members said. [snip]

Seager joined the Army a few years back because he was a psychiatrist who wanted to help returning veterans adapt back to civilian life, his uncle, Larry Seager said.

Seager was among two Wisconsin soldiers killed. Two others were injured.

Also killed was 29-year-old Amy Krueger of Kiel, Wis. The injured included 23-year-old Army Reserve Spc. Grant Moxon of Lodi, Wis., and 19-year-old Amber Bahr of Random Lake, Wis.

More. When Anger Goes Cosmic. Victor Davis Hanson.


joyce said...

you are the only blogger I can find that is giving out the names of the victims. Thank you. Unless you live nearby, the press does not print the stories. And I had heard a quick report on Mark Steyn subbing for Rush that one of the soldiers was pregnant. So sad. The victims stories need to be told. I am tired of having to look at the face of the murderer.

Anne said...

yes. It is really sad.

Good points.

It may be a lag as victims' families need to be told in person.

But right now the MSM is treating the killer as the victim.