Matthew Dowd, WaPo. Palin has a shot at the presidency. Given our President Barack Obama's shaky approval numbers so early in his presidency, he may still be under 50% when the time comes.(Latest flap-- Obama Bows Before Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao...)
Some of Dowd's suggestions will soon be inoperative--after all, Gov. Palin is on a book tour, setting her record straight in a high profile way. She is naturally focused on taking on her critics, but she is also getting in touch with Americans across the country.
Palin has already shown humor, resilience, and a generosity of spirit. Before her pick as VP, she successfully took her own party to the woodshed on ethics and forged a remarkable record of bipartisan consensus to bring online a major energy project which had been stalled for 30 years.
Her book is candid, her story engaging and admirable.
(I especially like the map in front.)
Sarah Palin is on the map for 2012. She has courage and she speaks plainly, qualities not noted in our current president. Americans are looking for the common sense Sarah Palin has in abundance.
P.S. This is pretty funny. There is no one more provincial than a beltway elitist:
Be more serious. Don't nurse grievances. Don't be an attention hog. Stop blaming other people for your problems. Be more upbeat. Don't turn everything into a battle. Acknowledge your shortcomings.Is this pundit talking about our President Barack Obama?
HT Memeorandum.
Previous posts: Sarah is Fierce on Greta, Waiting for Sarah Palin, Palin Ascendant, The New Amazons, Martha Stewart, Anal Retentive on the Prowl, Going Rogue, Taking on the Dysfunctional Elites. Sarah Palin, Good for Kirk, Sarahcuda in Play, Women of Accomplishment, Palin is Tweaking You, Lefties, Sarah America in Hong Kong
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