Wednesday, December 16, 2009

LA Reaching Out: Nukes the New Normal

Be prepared, cities--(and other locales). Doug Ross: "Officials in Southern California prepare for inevitable nuclear attack, thanks to SmartPower™ policies of Obama, Clinton and Holder":
His department hosted a workshop earlier this month for the emergency operations staff of the county's 88 cities in preparation for "Golden Phoenix," an exercise scheduled for June 2010 that simulates the scenario of a 10-kiloton nuclear device detonated in Los Angeles... "We think this is a great opportunity for us to open a dialogue with the 88 cities so they can begin to amend their emergency plans to include planning for a nuclear device."
A great opportunity!!! There's more:
The federal Homeland Security Council is urging state and local governments to prepare in the event of a nuclear detonation in a major city.

And Matthew Chandler, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, said the Federal Emergency Management Agency is studying how to incorporate a nuclear detonation scenario into a citizen preparedness campaign.
Be prepared, earnest citizens!!!

But what if your own government is a man-made disaster?

...we're not supposed to question Thomson, no, no, no.

More. Some thoughts from Iowa, across the Mississippi from Thomson.

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