Friday, January 29, 2010

Bill Brady for Illinois

From the Brady for Governor campaign:

Bill Brady has earned the Republican nomination for Governor, not only because he's the best person for the job, but also because he has proven to be the only candidate who can defeat the Democrats in November.

Brady's opponents on the other hand, have shown time and time again that questions in judgment and ethical challenges show they cannot withstand the scrutiny of a general election.

Like Jim Ryan, for example who took $800,000 in campaign contributions from close friend Stuart Levine, all along claiming he didn't know Levine -- who was pleaded guilty in the Blagojevich scandal and now sits in prison -- was corrupt.

Like Kirk Dillard who embarrassed the Republican party when he supported Barack Obama in a televised campaign ad during the 2008 presidential election. And who caved to labor unions and business groups, voting to legalize video poker machines, saying "he had a gun to his head." And who took $250,000 from the Illinois Education Association and $250,000 from one of the union's largest critics.

Like Andy McKenna, who admitted to violating the Illinois Republican Party ethics code by using $28,000 in party funds for a poll that benefitted him politically.

Bill Brady is the clean break Illinois needs from the Chicago-style politics and politicians of the past.

Illinois voters need a Republican nominee like Bill Brady who will put the people's interests ahead of lobbyists, unions and special interest groups. They need a true conservative, like Senator Brady, who stands on the right side of the issues that matter most to Republican voters.

Bill Brady will run a transparent and trustworthy government, ending the culture of greed and corruption that has stained Illinois' integrity and image and that has given too much power to too few. As the only Downstate candidate not tied to the Chicago insiders, Bill Brady can best fight the Democrats in November. He offers the change Illinois desperately needs.

Related posts: Brady Debate Take,
Bill Brady was substantive, engaged other candidates in a respectful way, talked about JOB CREATION when he had the chance , and had a good sense of humor.

(A Scott Brown Cosmo quip, no photos)
Brady Surge?

It's a Dem polling firm but shows a shift in the GOP. "With the field that bunched up and 17% of voters still undecided any outcome is possible". Traffic jam. (The ethics issues of McKenna should knock his numbers further. And Dillard's teachers union endorsement is appalling.) Remember--as Dan Proft said this morning--the undecided are a landslide. From the Brady campaign:
New Poll Shows Brady Positioning to Win
? Who is Bill Brady anyway? A real person.

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