Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dems Spend $$$ on Green Gyms for Homeless

They are worried about obesity among the dispossessed in Detroit.

I imagine this is in sync with the First Lady's speeches.

the real issues of the day.

Yeah, we'll all be wedded to stationary bikes or pushing wheelchairs around. Lovely.

P.S. Remember this:

According to a study done for the Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth, spending in specific public categories there skyrocketed the past 20 years (1987 to 2007).

Public safety: up 139%; social services, 130%; education, 44%. And of course Medicaid Madness, up 163%, before MassCare kicked in more Medicaid obligations.

But here's the party's self-destroying kicker: Feeding the public unions' wage demands starved other government responsibilities. It ruined our ability to have a useful debate about any other public functions.

Massachusetts' spending fell for mental health, the environment, housing and higher education. The physical infrastructure in blue states is literally falling apart. But look at those public wage and pension-related outlays. Ever upward.

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