How 'bout closing all our prisons. Just let law enforcement go to hell.
Well, I can agree, dismiss all the TSA goofballs who arrest real war reporters.
But then we are left with a president who would arrest real warriors...and let terrorists go free, give them the benefit of the doubt. He thinks he owes the terrorists:
In taking responsibility for Abdul Mutallab’s attempted attack, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) claimed it was in retaliation for a U.S.-sponsored strike against its leadership in Yemen.Sorry Barack, they've moved on.
Figure it out. They're as opportunistic and glib as you are in coming up with ever-shifting excuses for hardcore ideology. At least you don't want to eliminate us here at home. You just want to subjugate us. It's no wonder you don't value those who fight for our freedoms abroad. How many Americans will you sacrifice? The home front looms. We don't all have Secret Service protection. You wimpy little shit.
More. Liberal cartoon-like view of the world. It's not all about you.
And.The Ramzi Yousef Standard: The Administration has ways of making terrorists not talk.
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