Thursday, February 04, 2010

Demon Sheep Reach Canada!!!

Awk!!! MACLEANS. Perhaps they have some smart sheep to counterattack!!!

Or maybe these guys.

Or maybe these guys.

Today, Fiorina’s other GOP primary opponent, state assemblyman Chuck DeVore, came out and said that his campaign will be a “demon-sheep-free zone.” DeVore supporters also set up, a spoof website for the “Society for the Eradication of Demon Sheep from our Political Discourse.”

The sheep shots, it seems, are just beginning.


Lisa G in NZ said...

I read some commentary about this before I saw the ad.... after 2:20 min mark, I about spit out my coffee in laughter.

The evil sheep costume needs to be available this year for Halloween, wouldn't you agree?

I note how everyone is chatting about the stupidity of the ad and the lady who it is supposed to be for. Had the opposite effect she intended... it was baaaaaad (sorry couldn't resist)

Anne said...

Yeah. Perfect for Halloween!

Some good fun.

Tho not for her.