Monday, February 22, 2010

He voted four times for the kill

Given Obama's bill, here's a letter from a reader that's been in the hopper for a while, but seemed especially timely with his rationing provisions for seniors, and repudiation of the Stupak anti-abortion language that passed the House:
You might want to remind people that it's not really that hard to believe what Barack Obama is doing to seniors with the Healthcare bill--mandating they pay more for less care and poorer care, which will end many people's lives. It's in keeping with who he really is.

In the Illinois Senate, Obama was one of the very few (maybe the only one?) who voted for a bill that would let live birth babies die. He voted for it 4 different times. Even pro-choice people didn't support that bill--like Planned parenthood.
On the campaign trail Obama came up with some lame excuse for voting for that bill 4 times. (Remember, he usually voted "present" or for "cloture," not actually for something. So, it's quite stunning that Obama voted 4 times to let newborns from botched abortions die. It says something fairly significant about him as a person, and about his values, or lack of them.)

In this healthcare bill, he's tacitly voting to let seniors die by not giving them care or their freedom to choose their care. (This will especially hit middle income to poorer folks very hard.)

In reality, it's just another side that exposes, once more, who Barack Obama really is. (By the way, it speaks volumes about Reid and Pelosi...but people feel they know them.)

I got Obama's Illinois senate voting record from Not sure if his record has been "cleaned up," now that he's our ...
Dear Leader.

P.S. The link is dead for BO, here's Jill Stanek on his record. Also here. Andrew McCarthy.

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