Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ivy Leaguers for Palin

Michael Knox Beran, NRO.

Related posts here, here, here. And here.

P.S. And following up on my post in the wee hours this morning, where I consigned the NY Times to the ash heap of history, my old Russian history professor at Harvard, Richard Pipes, on Reagan's speech:
Now, why did Ronald Reagan understand what these academics did not? Well, as has been mentioned by Ed Meese, it was his Hollywood experience. The communists attach enormous importance to cinema. Lenin is quoted as saying that cinema is the main vehicle of propaganda which has to be pursued by the Soviet regime. But Reagan had other qualities and one was intuitive judgment. I was not as close to him as the other two speakers here, but every time I did have a chance to see him on some important issue he displayed remarkably right judgment, and you're born with that. This is not something you learn.

His other important quality was his humanity. His head was not filled with abstractions but with an instinctive understanding of human beings, a liking for human beings. He liked people and sometimes he liked the wrong people. You tended to think he liked everybody, but in this sense he was much more in tune with what mankind is about than those who want to be scientists and approach human beings unemotionally and without any moral dimension being present. And that was his greatness.
The MSM are the Soviet-style propagandists of our time. And Sarah understands that. As do we.

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