Sunday, February 07, 2010

Schakowsky of the Felonious Spouse

Bill Baar's West Side: Rep Jan Schakowsky advising Scott Lee Cohen ...
to step aside.

Robert Creamer went to jail for bank fraud. In aid of his wife's campaign. Still obscene. As is she.

P.S. You really have to wonder why the Dems think Cohen will "hurt the ticket". What a joke these pompous and corrupt Dem "leaders" are.

Previous post: Prostitute Says Cohen Unfit to Hold Office


Bill Baar said...

Thanks... really amazing Schakowsky feels like she can wade in on this kind of thing with Cohen.

Unknown said...

Yes. Thank you for highlighting this, Bill.

It just makes you realize even more how totally without conscience these liberals are.

The end justifies the means. Very Alinsky.

They are morally obtuse at best.

CNB said...

If the IL Democrats think that screwing a legally elected man off of their ticket will help them, they're crazy. Now, half the ticket is unelected. The way they pressured Cohen was shameful, and this will cause many, many people to rethink Quinn and the criminal Illinois Democrat Party.

Anne said...

very good point. half the ticket unelected.