The woman whom even the Dems dumped from their leadership because of her ethics problems wants to represent Illinois in the US Senate. The woman who can't even read a map. Granted, we are talking Illinois here, the Dem machine state, but please, can't we do better? True, the Dem machine bench is deep--other contenders are Governor Big Guy himself, or Barack's buddy Alexi the granny grifter among other things, not to mention little Lisa. (Quite a quandary for Governor Big Guy--he might want to get the daughter of his nemesis out of the state so she won't challenge him for governor, but what a plum for Mike's daughter.)
But the best part is this:
So let's really rehabilitate Jan Schakowsky--vote her out of office this November.If she does get the appointment, Schakowsky will face a lively election fight, with opponents likely making hay of the conviction of her husband, Robert Creamer, for check-kiting to keep his public interest group alive.
Creamer's prison sentence at the federal penitentiary at Terre Haute strengthened him and their marriage, Schakowsky said.
"If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger," Schakowsky said.
P.S. Great posts by my friends at The Bench and Marathon Pundit, and thanks for the link from Flying Debris.
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