Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wasn't Bernardine Dohrn Available?

Whose idea was this? I know Northwestern often embarrasses, yes disgraces itself kowtowing to the Dems that have run our state into the ground, but our impeached governor? Does he still have clout? CBS2Chicago: Blagojevich To Speak At Northwestern University. Former Governor To Discuss Ethics With Faculty, Take Questions From Students. Good grief, College Democrats are sponsors. They think it's a cautionary tale:
Blagojevich will be given 15 minutes to plead his case to a panel of Northwestern faculty members, including a law professor, a political science professor and a journalism professor.
What an exercise in self-puffery. I am talking about all the participants. No word on whether Bernardine is on the panel.

Perhaps the College Democrats should invite her to make her case next time. How about really cleaning up the state. Cleanliness begins at home as they say.

P.S. Though in his defense, I guess Blago's I-PASS has saved us from potential road rage from toll collectors, as they have in New Jersey.

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