Tea Party:Emanuel: 'Fringe Group' Controlling GOP. (Featured pix displayed here.) CBS2Chicago:
Couric: "Do the midterm elections keep you up at night at all?"You make my day, Rahmbo. Have you lost Katie Couric?
Emanuel: "No. You won't know for a while. I think The Republicans have a level of energy but inside that energy they have their own problem and fissures. They're basically at the behest of a fringe group that's taken control of their own party and their own leaders are scared of it."
Couric: "The tea party movement?"
Emanuel: "I can give a more pertinent, a more informed answer in June and July."
Emanuel's abrasive style and penchant for profanity are legendary. He recently had to apologize when he used the term "f-ing retarded" to describe progressives in his party.
...Who knew I would grow up to be fringe.
Katie Couric: "Do you think he stretched too far on health care reform?"Fringe.
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