Tuesday, March 09, 2010

More on the Rahmbo Massa-cre

The sweat does not show in the shower room or sauna--email from a reader on the old Capone tactic Rahm employed in the House gym showers.

But let's be clear--Massa was a no vote on health care because he was more to the left--he wanted total government takeover, single payer.

And Michelle Malkin points out he was an anti-war former military. More: Video flashbacks: Eric Massa attacks Rush Limbaugh, embraces Eliot Spitzer

That said, former Clinton triangulater Dick Morris last night on the air described the desperate Democrat struggle for votes as hand-to-hand combat.

Because they don't have the support of the American people.

And behavior like this just reminds us of the slimy Chicago Way tactics that continue to haunt this bill--and this president.

More. Jim Geraghty, NRO's Morning Jolt:
And the interpretation of events most generous to the White House is that in 2008 the DCCC did everything it could to ensure a crazy person represented New York's 29th District.

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