Thursday, March 04, 2010

Obama IS our national crisis

Obama's Malignant Narcissism. James Lewis, The American Thinker. Of course you have to take care to diagnose someone from afar, but this is the clincher for me:
5. "Individuals with malignant narcissism will display a two faced personality. Creation of a 'false self' is linked to the narcissist's fear of being inadequate or inferior to others and this mask becomes ingrained into their personality so as to project a sense of superiority to others at all times."
Our two-faced president. And remember this: “The Big Difference” Between 2010 and 1994 “Is Me,” President Obama Says, Per Congressman

No wonder Rahmbo is hiding under his desk, but sending out SOS messages these days.

As for America's Author in Chief, the fantasy continues, while America is forced to live with it.

P.S. And is that why Michelle is out of town harassing "fat" kids everywhere.

P.P.S. NRO: The President's Imaginary Health-Care Plan

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