Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ayers: Submit to Rape or You're a Racist

Another reminder of the sickening and coercive behavior of our President Barack Obama's political mentor, Bill Ayers. HT Pundit & Pundette.

Yet (the judge ruled in his favor. Now let us see how college campuses handle speakers on the right, none of whom have ever blown up any buildings or people or anything close.) this unrepentant terrorist is afforded free speech rights to lie that he never actually hurt anyone. Well, maybe his blown-up girlfriend would beg to differ, but she's dead, whether he intended to kill her or not. Hilarious, isn't it. She was preparing to bomb Ft. Dix. His group bombed the Capitol and the Pentagon and Bill Ayers is still under investigation for murdering two policemen in San Francisco.

Bill Ayers is speaking at the University of Wyoming tonight.

He's unrepentant. But he's an "educator". Raping young minds.

And the media still carries his water:
Obama has condemned Ayers' radical activities, and there's no evidence they were ever close friends or that Ayers advised Obama on policy.

Will Obama's friend Ayers be asking for Secret Service protection? Maybe he can ask the San Francisco police to volunteer. (shut up, just shut up)

1 comment:

Commie Blaster said...

Lots of scary Bill Ayers information here: