Blago goes to the theatre. Tribune cartoon and editorial. Blago pulls back the curtain on Illinois politics. Blago, our defrocked governor:
But remember, he's innocent until somebody proves otherwise. He is entitled to an aggressive defense.
It's in that sober context that all of us should view the unfolding theatrics in the case of United States of America v. Rod Blagojevich, No. 08 CR 888. We wish we could take credit for the elegant opening sentence of the news story in Friday's Tribune:The defrocked governor "sought Thursday to tie his credibility to that of President Barack Obama by asking that the leader of the free world be compelled to testify for the defense." The companion wish of Blagojevich's lawyers is to show Chicago jurors a recorded deposition in which a popular president — from Chicago, no less — discredits Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a potential (and potentially devastating) witness for the prosecution.
That defense tactic dredges up what Obama has called his boneheaded but innocent past ties to Rezko, a notorious fixer who was convicted of public corruption in 2008. The point here isn't just that the ex-governor's lawyers want to put Obama in the company of Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and others who've been compelled to give sworn testimony during their presidencies. The point is that Team Blago will do whatever it takes to mount his defense.
And in the time-honored tradition of Democrats in trouble, Blago seeks out a spiritual adviser. Blago goes to church--but who does he encounter? A relative of Elvis. He is a fan, after all. Elvis is apparently in his corner.
Where will Blago go next? What will he say?
Well, he'll be on WLS radio this morning momentarily. Yesterday on his radio show he called on the president again to prove his innocence. Tune in:) Blago on the radio.
...Blago on with Don and Roma. He wants to bring Sen. Dick Durbin in to get to the truth. (snicker)...more names-- Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. Bob Menendez, and our President Barack Obama again. Rahmbo too. Anyone he's talked to.
...Roma cites some contest where Blago came in as the No. 2 Elvis impersonator in the country. Blago says he did not sing Elvis in church--"that would be sacrilegious".
...now comments on the Cullerton, Madigan conflicts of interest--lead story the other day. (Following on this one.)
He says if Dem Gov. Quinn wins this fall they'll raise taxes not by the 33% they're talking about now, but by 66%, to prepare the way for House Speaker Mike Madigan's daughter, AG Lisa, to run for governor with the budget cleaned up. (Good luck with that scenario)
Roma asks if he'll sign the Scott Lee Cohen petition to run as an independent for governor--he doesn't directly answer but says Quinn dissed the African American community by not choosing Rep. Art Turner as Lt. Gov. after Cohen was forced out.
Sorta related posts: Brush up your Shakespeare, Alexi, Eco Genius Watch: Attn Blago, Does our President Barack Obama Parse His Words?
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