Friday, April 30, 2010

David Axelrod & Dems' Walking Obscenities

How interesting, Lynn Sweet actually talks to people other than the Obama Chicago Way White House. She got a quote from Republican Sen. John Cornyn on the Illinois Senate race, where he wondered whether Dems would force mob banker and Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias out as their candidate through some last-minute "back-room shenanigans". Gee, why would anybody be concerned about that?

So then Sweet elicits reaction from David Axelrod, our President Barack Obama's perpetual mouthpiece when he's off the teleprompter (since the president keeps stepping in it when he does):

Cornyn's comment came a day after President Obama, in Downstate Quincy, gave a shout-out to Giannoulias, calling him the "soon-to-be senator" in a remark I think was calculated to quiet talk about distancing himself from Giannoulias.

"No one here is trying to 'muscle' him from the race. That should have been clear from the president's comment yesterday," White House senior adviser David Axelrod said Thursday.
But practically in the next breath Axelrod tells an untruth, claiming Obama stimulus-hugger mushy flip-flopper Florida governor Charlie Crist was "forced" out of the Republican primary when the truth is he was LOSING bigtime in the polls to a charismatic conservative candidate for Senate, Marco Rubio.

But we'll hold you to that statement about keeping Alexi in, David Axelrod. You probably know you all reek and you can't fool Illinois voters any more by trying to shove someone else in our face. Rahmbo may have the chutzpah to insinuate himself as a bleepin golden replacement, perhaps he may even present himself as an outsider, since he's been in DC for a while, but we can recognize a walking obscenity. Even if we didn't have the Blago tapes coming up in June to remind us.

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