His Illinois bill may amazingly become law, after years of heartbreaking inaction, but it's not there yet. Republican 9th Congressional candidate for the U.S. House Joel Pollak had this to say in The American Thinker:
There was an interesting pattern in the state Senate vote. The voucher bill passed because Republicans teamed up with black and HispanicYes. Who has been blocking this kind of reform and bankrupting the state?senators . The opposition came from white liberals. As the Chicago Tribune observed, "Many Democrats from relatively affluent areas opposed the measure. But a majority of the African-American and Latino senators -- those whose constituents' kids would directly benefit -- voted yes."
More food for thought, the documentary on the public school monopoly, The Cartel, premieres in Chicago this Friday, April 30th. For other cities, go here.
Let these children go.
...In other news, our President Barack Obama is in Illinois today, trying to shore up I don't care about the Constitution Dem Rep. Phil Hare. Republican challenger Bobby Schilling interview with the American Spectator. Even in Illinois there is an appetite for real reform, not phony promises of change....Quincy Tea Party rallying:)
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