Well, it's getting close to a NOPE for Obama's Marxist-lite poster creator, Shepard Fairey, but among the great unwashed we get the picture. As P.J. puts it:
The secret to the Obama annoyance is snotty lecturing. His tone of voice sends us back to the worst place in college. We sit once more packed into the vast, dreary confines of a freshman survey course—“Rocks for Jocks,” “Nuts and Sluts,” “Darkness at Noon.” At the lectern is a twerp of a grad student—the prototypical A student—insecure, overbearing, full of himself and contempt for his students. All we want is an easy three credits to fulfill a curriculum requirement in science, social science, or fine arts.Well, I took Darkness at Noon senior year, it was art history with falling Gothic arches, a nice change. But you get the idea.
Let's just think of The One as Barry Obamski, from back before he was elected, the last time he and the Dems used the race card (has it ever stopped):
For the life of me, I can't figure out why Obama supporters are crying racism when Obama is ahead and gaining in the polls. Does anyone think a cigarette sucking machine politician from Chicago, a white guy named Barry Obamski with ties to terrorists, with loans from a sleazebag, with a voting record that is the Senate's most left wing, would have any chance of winning the presidency?Snotty Obamski from Chicago.
We got your number.
Yep, you got his number for sure. Stick to him like white on rice. It's a public service.
[For a light hearted take on our present peril]
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