What's with Quin Hillyer in the American Spectator bashing Sarah Palin? It's over the top and tossing in lots of Latin phrases la di da is not persuasive. One comment on the article puts it well:
Quibbling over a few inconsistencies that are likely easily explainable and criticizing Palin because she actually poured over the Alaska budget?? YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME, RIGHT??The woman has never said she was running for President but people are just eager to keep trying to stomp her down. Must be scary where you people are.
Conservatives4Palin rebuttal here. As I recall the AmSpec backed Rudy Giuliani who may have been a great mayor but was a total fizzle on the campaign trail. I believe he kept working for his consulting firm past the time it would have been prudent to resign as far as candidate ethics goes. And as far as experience--well, we were force-fed a lot of it from inside-the-beltway geniuses and Congress and the country has landed hard. I'll take my chances with someone who speaks plainly and to the point, understands what it takes to make a living, not just propose bills and pose for photo-ops--and understands and effectively verbalizes the concerns of the American people.
I don't know if Sarah Palin is running in 2012 or not. What I do know is that I will continue to defend her because she is a magnet for unbalanced and hateful behavior. Case in point the email hack--the trial is starting soon, introduced by AP in a story sympathetic to the curly-locked connected hacker. This Dem operative not only invaded her privacy but also her family's.
These attacks are unprecedented, to use one of our President Barack Obama's favorite words to mask his uselessness. I think they are because Sarah Palin is an unusual person, and she's never taken the usual path in politics.
she's never taken the usual path in politics.
$arah has taken the money path. She has combined politics with being a rock star, in a rat-like, cunning way that IS genious, but SO ingenuous.
$he will go anywhere and say anything for about $100,000.00. Run for president? Don't be absurd, $arah will NOT run for office. That donkey will continue to BRAY for $100,000.00 a pitstop.
Sir, I do not speak from fear, but I cannot fathom anyone as naive as you. Grow up.
You CAN see right clear THROUGH someone without hating them. Y'all seem ridiculous and I am so sick of $arah worshippers trying to ram her down the other 75 percent of our throats.
Marry her or something, get a room, hire her...but nobody trusts her and with very good reason, Mr. rose colored glasses.
ALSO TOO, guess what? She is stupid, yes she sure is...I didn't make my mind up about that until recently, I thought maybe she was just green , but lordy, she is dumb as a post...good hair though, as I am sure YOU have noticed among other things
your comments, Deo, show exactly who is dumb as a post
look in the mirror
have a nice day hater
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